Starforce Protection Driver Windows 7
5.5 - 5.6 Probably it will be need to do driver update. According to Windows 7 has been having a lot of updates then, applications protected with 5.5/5.6 builds may not fully support this OS. In case of failure please update the protection driver with protect.exe utility or use a protected program developer's patch to be able to run the protected program in Windows 7.
Starforce Protection Driver Windows 7
Currently (May 2014) the use of StarForce solutions became much easier for end users due to "driverless" security technology and binding to a computer. The company also is developing cloud services to protect content and e-mail that are designed to simplify the process of information protection used in everyday life.
I tried updating the driver via the starforce site download, but I got the message from Windows 7 that the driver is incompatible with Windows 7. Next I try the Starforce driver removal download and then get the message that the driver is not present.
Most probably this application is protected with too old protection system version and, generally speaking, won't run on Windows 7 in its original state. You can read about it here:
I've recently been struggling with a number of racing sims I bought to use after work hours in our new racing cockpit. I'm a big believer in supporting developers. I'm a developer myself. But digging around for CDs or DVDs is impractical for dedicated gaming rigs, so I install no-cd patches when I can.Unfortunately, finding no-cd patches is getting harder and harder because of a relatively new copy protection known as StarForce. It's a kernel-mode device driver that talks directly to the IDE hardware to validate the CD or DVD. Beyond that, the technical details are sketchy, probably to prevent crackers from gaining the upper hand. But the net result is that no-cd patches for games with the latest StarForce protection are rare.For example, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, which was released early last year, has no known working no-cd patch as of today-- almost a year later. That's amazing. There are legions of hackers and crackers out there. Fending them off for this long is completely unprecedented. For as long as there has been software, there have been crackers-- and they've always won.My hat is off to the developers of StarForce. However you feel about copy protection, they've accomplished what many thought could never be done. Now, before you spam the comments with diatribes about how much StarForce sucks, how it kills small children and formats your hard drive, etcetera, take the time to read their point of view in this interview with a StarForce rep. It has their side of the story, and many additional details. I'll also add that I played, completed, and sold Splinter Cell Chaos Theory earlier this year without once knowing that I was playing a StarForce protected game.Now, this is not to say that StarForce can't be circumvented. It can. The primary method of circumventing StarForce at the moment is to stop using parallel ATA optical drives:physically unplug your optical drives*use a special utility to completely disable parallel ATA on your PC (that's assuming you're using serial ATA hard drives)switch to external USB optical drives
It's kind of a scorched earth solution, but it's the only thing that works. And once you've done that, you're still not done! The very, very latest versions of StarForce monitor hard drive access at the time of disc validation to see if that "DVD" you mounted is really being read from the hard drive. So you have to load an additional device driver that hides the physical drive access from StarForce.All in all, a giant pain in the ass. Which is entirely the point of copy protection.But is StarForce too much copy protection? Chris Anderson maintains that there is an optimal level of piracy for any industry, due to the following effects:Remember dongles? Any protection technology that is really difficult to crack is probably too cumbersome to be accepted by consumers.Piracy can let you raise your prices. Rather than pricing between the absolute economic bottom and the top, you cede the bottom to piracy-- no price can compete with free-- and set your price between the middle and the top.Piracy helps seed technology markets. The ubiquity of pirated Windows and Office have made them de-facto national standards in many countries.
Chris proposes that a certain level of piracy is simply good business:When all these effects are considered, it appears that there actually is an optimal level of piracy. That right level would vary from industry to industry. Today the estimated piracy rates are 33% for CDs and 15% for DVDs. The industries say that's too high, but most anti-copying technologies they've brought in to lower that figure have proven unpopular. Would even tighter lock-downs help? Probably not. Maybe 15%-30% is simply the market saying that this is the optimal rate of piracy for those industries, and any effort to lower that significantly would either choke demand or push even more people to the dark side.I tend to agree. I think DVDs are an excellent example of this "good enough" theory in action. They have a basic level of copy protection, but they're priced so reasonably very few people bother to pirate them. The people that continue to pirate DVDs probably wouldn't buy them no matter how low they were priced.* no, disabling them in the BIOS doesn't work. StarForce talks directly to the ATA hardware at the kernel level.
To clarify: what is required is specifically Lock On. As Viper indicates, this has no starforce protection. If you are seeing Starforce errors in Win7, this is because you are using FC1. FC1 is not required. If you update drivers for FC1, this will work, but if you have LO without FC1, just install that.
From the research I just did, it's basically a copy protection software called starforce that's installed silently without you knowing, and it's corrupt. Causes PC's to not boot due to a failure to read data, and makes your pc think it's a hardware issue when it isn't. More info on it here:
I would really like to play silent hunter 3, but it installs a starforce driver(copy protection). Will starforce driver mess up my hd or dvd rw drive and has there been any new facts in 2006 about starforce driver. Has naybody installed game with a starforce driver and has had no problems or has had problems. I WILL NOT be using any game copying program, but I still use accronis drive image(like norton ghost) to make a image of my hd incase of hd failure or windows crash.